In order to build their capacities in using computers, mentors were introduced to the fundamentals of computing. This was done as a refresher training for some mentors who already had basic knowledge, and as an introductory training for those who had no prior knowledge. They were also introduced to the MIT Scratch programming interface, an open source block-based visual programming language for creating interactive stories. Scratch programming is one of the training modules that will be taught to mentees of the #TTOSICT mentorship program; and the trainees will create digital stories from selected topics from their communities.#BeyondConflict #TTOSICT: Time To Shine ICT Project This project is supported by UNDP South Sudan Peace and Community Cohesion Project with funds from Sweden. Photo Credit: Aleon Visuals
Posted by GoGirls ICT Initiative at 2022-04-25 14:46:24 UTC