Cholula, Puebla- Mexico I warned you that this visit needed to be a post of its own. While visiting Puebla, I nipped over to Cholula as my radar had set its sights on the volcano and the graceful cathedral that is perched atop, way above a long and tiring staircase. It felt like a spiritual pilgrimage and I reflected on important things with every step taken. The Church of the historic city San Pedro Cholula - the name of the cathedral, is bright yellow and watches over the town, seated harmoniously with the ancient pyramid - Tlachihualtepetl ( Nahuatl for "made by hand mountain"). It was fascinating how new world and old world religion, culture and ritual could exist so peacefully together. Popocatépetl - the angry, over protective volcano provided the perfect backdrop, smoking from a recent eruption. Legend has it the volcano was once a soldier who lost his lady love to death, Iztaccihuatl and begged the gods for them to be together forever and so they were turned into (her) a mountain and him, a volcano to always watch over her as she slept. It is said when she is disturbed by humans, the volcano will erupt in anger.

Posted by Saffa at 2022-03-14 16:07:32 UTC