I love Valentine's Day and some of my favorite Valentine's Day memories come from elementary school.... Every February, at Lift Up the Vulnerable we celebrate Valentine’s Day… or as we like to call it, *LUV Day*… all month long because we believe compassionate and generous love can transform the world — especially for those who are vulnerable. This month, we want to link hands with you to amplify the opportunity for kids in war-torn nations to simply have ACCESS to school (which is an essential way to keep children safe from human trafficking!) — and I'd like your help! What's your favorite Elementary School / Valentine's Day childhood memory? Join our month of LUV campaign and help us offer education and protection for ALL children at: https://liftupthevulnerable.networkforgood.com/.../151785...\ #Education #HumanTrafficking #ValentinesDay #LiftUpTheVulnerable #MonthOfLUV

Posted by mooreaudrey at 2022-02-01 13:08:34 UTC