As promised, here's that good news, announced first to you here in Rugged Compass: EDGE just won an award. #TheEdgeOfAdventure #podcast received the GOLD at the 2021 W3 Awards. Category: Podcast Documentary. From their website: The w3 Awards celebrates digital excellence by honoring outstanding Websites, Marketing, Video, Mobile Sites & Apps, Social and Podcasts created by some of the best interactive agencies, designers, and creators worldwide. I'm certainly honored that EDGE was selected this year. This is thanks to so many people. My team, the many listeners and viewers, and the amazing guests who joined me for the program from all four corners of the globe, serving others, working with some of the most inspiring humanitarian organizations in the world. Thank you all. I'll have a bit more to say a little later. But I wanted to make sure YOU were the first to know. Thanks for being a part of this amazing community. To learn more about the podcast: Or listen/watch here in Rugged Compass by clicking the button below. Bless you all ... big time. As together we go ... #BeyondStatusQuo. #AdamAsher

Posted by Adam Asher at 2021-10-06 17:50:45 UTC