Friday is PrayDay! Marina has such a contagious smile and giggle but it's obvious every time we see her that her little love tank isn't getting filled. She starts out slow and hesitant, then warms up and gets comfortable, and then pouts when it's time for us to leave (we hate leaving). If an orphanage worker scolds her, she absolutely wilts before our eyes. She has a younger sister that she rarely sees in the same orphanage and several siblings in another orphanage. Something strange is going on...they were listed on the national registry for adoption, and now they aren't. We haven't learned what that means. Pray for her to escape the institution and have a mommy and daddy. #chilidrenbelonginfamilies #nomoreorphans #Adoption #fostercare #ukraineorphans #ukraineadoption

Posted by Shade For Children at 2021-10-01 14:03:05 UTC