San Miguel de Allende - Mexico The compass proved to me I was 150 miles North of Mexico City yet this sleepy town welcomed me 'home" as if it had been waiting for me. My stay was short, but in true Mexican fashion, my senses were once again delighted by the lively energy found in these dotted towns mapped across this country. San Miguel de Allende offered narrow, cobbled lanes, glorious Spanish Baroque architecture, intriguing history and colour...colour everywhere! Homes and buildings, alike painted by brushes dipped in rainbows. The neo-gothic church "Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel" stretches its dramatic pink towers high above the main plaza, El Jardín and on nearly every corner there are buskers and artisans garbed in traditional Mexican costumes, singing you a song. I'll come back here again and again, soon my little rugged compass will know the way.

Posted by Saffa at 2021-09-18 17:48:49 UTC