Rachel House is an Indonesian non-governmental organization founded in 2006 that specializes in providing palliative care services to children living with serious and terminal illnesses, such as cancer and HIV. Palliative Care is a specialized medical care for persons living with serious illnesses and their families – providing pain and symptom management, emotional, social and spiritual support – so that patients can live pain-free and with optimal quality of life for their remaining days. Driven by the belief that “no child should ever live or die in pain,” our clinical team of doctors and nurses provide home-based palliative care services across greater Jakarta to children from poor, marginalized communities, free of charge. Our focus is to allow these children to have access to the care and support they urgently need, allowing them to live their remaining days with comfort and dignity. We thank Rugged Compass for the opportunity to share the stories of our work and the voices of the children we care for. Support our work by following us on Instagram @rachelhouseindonesia or donate through this link (https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/children-healthcare-hospice-poor-indonesia-cancer-hiv/). Let's walk with us in our journey in bringing palliative care to the children of Indonesia, who are in desperate needs of help.

Posted by Rachel House at 2023-03-14 10:31:09 UTC