As part of SEED’s Emergency Food Distribution Programme, our team recently conducted a midline assessment of our family planning outreach, identifying ways of addressing previously established barriers faced by women and girls in the Anosy region of Madagascar for accessing family planning services. In despite of these barriers, our initial needs assessment outlined that there was a considerable acceptance amongst women and girls between 15-49 years towards family planning access, giving us an indication of the desire for these services to which we could build on. To do this, SEED has helped to develop the capacity of 18 health centres in the region, promoting greater awareness of, and the access to, family planning and maternal child health information and services amongst the community health workers in these health centres. The results were positive, showing an increase in the number of women and girls accessing family planning services, with a 236% increase in new users during SEED’s outreach activities, as well as an increase in uptake of antenatal and safe delivery services! Our team will continue to review the findings of the report, using the results to improve the outreach activities of future family planning!

Posted by SEED Madagascar at 2023-03-14 07:53:02 UTC