The journey. Not the destination. I'm blessed. And here is why. In the last 4 years, I have travelled literally around the world, against all odds and often with the wind not in my favour. Those of you who have set out on worldly missions will agree, it can be daunting and arriving at our destinations can often feel unreachable. There is no doubt that I have confused my rugged little compass multiple times, trying to get to my intended destination but here is my blessing... My best friend reminded me not so long ago: " Saffa, it's the journey...not the destination. And I'm on the journey now." And this has made all the difference. Scrolling through my 'destination' pictures, I have realised there are far more memories of me journeying 'there' then me actually being 'there'. My compass stops so many times as I hop off the bus, plane, car or train (there has even been a horse) just to take it all in along the way. We would do well to use this more in our lives. Meet the people, speak their language, eat their food, dance and sing along to their songs. Listen to their stories and share yours. Hear them. See them. Help them. Love them...Love them! The journey is what leads you to your destination, make it important.

Posted by Saffa at 2021-07-12 19:43:07 UTC