One Year On. This week marks one year since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Reflecting on the year that’s passed, life has drastically changed for ChildAid’s partners and children across Eastern Europe. Its hard to summarize everything that’s taken place over the last 365 days, as our partners endure many trials and tribulations. Despite being faced with immense upheaval, conflict, inflation, family separation and displacement, we’ve been blessed to hear many encouraging stories of resilience and determination. Here’s just a few: Children’s Heart in Kamianske held a summer camp, giving 60 children a chance to play, laugh and learn- to be children- against the backdrop of sirens and time spent taking refuge in shelters. Little Lighthouse, our kids club, in the frontline area of Makariv, joyfully reopened in September, and held a rehabilitation course in October. The Tony Hawks Centre (Moldova's leading therapy centre for children with disabilities) has been providing vital respite, resources and support to the thousands of refugees arriving in Chișinău from Ukraine, particularly those with children with disabilities. The conflict seems to be far from over. Our partners will continue to need our support as their situations change, often overnight. You can support us by donating here: If you pray, please join us this week. We pray for children across the region. We pray for Alyona, Igor and Sasha, ChildAid’s project directors in Ukraine. And above all, we pray for peace, reconciliation and healing in Ukraine.

Posted by ChildAidee at 2023-02-22 14:40:11 UTC