Happy International Day of LUV! Today and all this week, @liftupthevulnerable (LUV) and I are celebrating Valentine's Day because we believe that generous and compassionate love transforms the world. Want to join me? ❤️ Call, text, or write to remind someone(s) you care about and appreciate them today — include someone that you haven't reached out to in awhile. ❤️ Make a gift to a charity of your choice. If you don't have one, choose LUV: https://liftupthevulnerable.org/donate — when you donate in someone's honor, we'll email them a Valentine! ❤️ Give Fairly Traded Treats. In recent years attention has been a given to raise awareness that children are forced to work in some cocoa farms. As consumers we can choose where we spend our money. Buying fairly traded chocolate is a powerful way to send a message to the chocolate makers that child labor is not acceptable. Happy LUV Day to you and to yours and to all the children vulnerable to exploitation around the world... may we each remember that love not only transforms but ultimately wins. #Valentines #ValentinesDay #MonthOfLUV #LUV #LiftUpTheVulnerable #EndHumanTrafficking

Posted by mooreaudrey at 2023-02-14 13:23:09 UTC